
计算机学院欣赏我们绝大多数的学生是诚实的,并对他们的个人工作感到非常自豪. Unfortunately, however, this is not always the case. Some students abuse our trust by engaging in academic misconduct. This guide clarifies appropriate behavior and unacceptable behavior.

这些指导方针和程序通过澄清计算机专业的学术诚信来补充GVSU的学术诚信政策. Content has been heavily influenced by similar statements at Oregon State University, 乔治华盛顿大学, 斯坦福大学.


To summarize GVSU’s 和 计算机学院’s academic misconduct policies, fundamentally the work you submit must be your own, 以及任何为了在作业中获得学分而不学习材料或不展示个人对材料理解的行为, 或协助他人这样做, 被认为是学术不端行为.

一般规则 (unless otherwise stated by your instructor):

  • You are responsible for anything turned in with your name on it, 和 assumption is that the work you turn in, 包括源代码, 是你自己的,除非另有引用.
  • You should be doing each assignment in its entirety from the beginning, even if this includes work that feels repeated from another assignment or class.
  • 在交作业时, groups are considered individuals for the purposes of academic misconduct, which means that the same rules that apply to individuals also apply to groups (e.g.,所有的工作都假定是由小组成员完成的,而不是小组外的其他人。)
  • 如果您使用的代码或想法是您在网上找到的,或者以任何方式来自他人,您必须引用它. 修改别人的作品冒充自己的作品被认为是学术不端行为.
  • You must be able to explain any work you turn in. 如果你无法解释, then you have gotten too much help with the assignment, and it will be considered academic misconduct.
  • 您可能不提交工作与规避自动化系统的意图,以获得学分, 揭示正确答案, 或者揭示隐藏的测试用例 without answering the underlying question.
  • Lying to get some special consideration for an assignment (e.g., lying about being sick to get an extension) 被认为是学术不端行为.
  • Exams are closed-notes unless otherwise stated. 然而, 即使考试是开放式笔记,你仍然需要独立完成考试.
  • 在老师表示可以讨论之前,不应该与其他学生讨论考试. Other students may be taking the exam at a later date (e.g., because they were sick on the original exam date), 听到你谈论考试可能会被认为是你和其他学生的学术不端行为.
  • You are responsible for protecting your work from being seen by others (not posting code online, locking your computer screen, etc.)
  • 你有责任在作业截止前向导师询问任何与学术诚信有关的问题 and with enough time to make any necessary adjustments before the deadline. 一般情况下,不允许延期解决作业中的学术不端问题.
  • 虽然我们鼓励你与其他学生讨论作业的一般方法, you should not be looking at other students’ work (包括源代码).

Considering these general rules, you are still encouraged to:

  • discuss problems in general with other students
  • provide and receive help with simple compile errors
  • provide and receive help with using the computing environment
  • 讨论任务要求
  • 和其他同学一起准备考试



几乎没有人在真空中工作. 在工业, if you had a problem you couldn’t figure out, you wouldn’t hesitate to go to a colleague and ask for help. If no one around you could help, you would seek out sources on the Internet. 在工业上,重点是 产品,而不是 过程. You would do everything in your power to get the 产品 finished, regardless of the 过程 you went through to do it (even then, industry does have standards about honesty too; refer to the Association of Computing Machinery’s Code of Ethics 和 IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics).


然而, 在学术环境中, 作业的主要目的是教会学生思考——提出自己的解决方案, 试一试, 看看什么可行,什么不可行. 在学术作业中,它是 过程 这是非常重要的.

作业包括源代码, 研究论文, 设计规范和任何其他可交付成果将作为课程的一部分进行评分. 除非另有明确说明, all assignments in computing are expected to be individual efforts. Some instructors in upper level courses might encourage or even require collaboration. 然而,这种协作将被很好地定义和设计,以模拟行业实践.


抄袭是指故意抄袭某一来源的文字或观点,而不给予作者这些文字或观点的全部荣誉. 来源可能是你的课本, 一个网站, 一个光盘, 一封来自朋友的电子邮件, conversations with individuals in the computer lab and other sources.

通过承认你复制的任何想法或从中获得重要灵感的原作者,你可以避免抄袭. 例如,这包括课本中的源代码、附带的cd - rom和网站. Acknowledgment should be within the source code. Acknowledgment within other assignments such as reports should be done with endnotes. Consult with your instructor if you have any doubts on the legitimacy of a source.

影响 for Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. 对于你的初犯,计算机学院通常会给你一个不及格的分数. 然而, suspension will be recommended for especially flagrant acts. For a second offense, expulsion from GVSU will be recommended.

对于任何学术不端行为的怀疑,教师有义务向学校提交一份报告 Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR). 准备报道这一事件, the 计算机学院’s 学术诚实 Committee (AHC) may also be consulted. 学术诚信委员会((电子邮件保护)) provides faculty members with two basic services: (1) review of material, to verify whether or not academic dishonesty has occurred, and (2) suggest a response/action to cases of dishonesty.


  • Can I post my solution to GitHub (or some other code repository site)?
    • 你不应该在GitHub上发布其他学生正在做或将要做的作业的解决方案(无论是全部还是部分).g., a common assignment across the entire class, or an assignment that repeats between semesters of a given class). 然而, unique assignments are typically ok to post on GitHub, but you should ask your instructor before doing so.


  • Can I get help with my assignment from someone else (not the instructor)?
    • 你可能会得到别人的帮助,但你最终提交的作品必须是你自己的. You may not consult with others while taking exams.
    • Also see: “我可以请家教吗?”


  • Can I develop a solution with another student by writing Java code on a whiteboard?
    • 这将被视为作弊. While typically discussing problems in general is okay, 一起写代码(即使是在白板上)通常被认为是学术上的不端行为.


  • 我可以请家教吗?
    • 你可以向导师寻求帮助,但你提交的项目最终必须是你自己的作品. You may not consult tutors when taking exams.


  • 如果发现有问题,我是否有机会在截止日期后更改我的作业?
    • No. 截止日期前, it is assumed that your assignment is in its final state, 我们会这样评分的. 因此, 任何在作业中发现的问题都将被视为学术不端. 任何欧洲杯押注网页作业和学术不端行为的问题都应该在截止日期前提出.


  • 我可以重用全部或部分作业吗(无论是本课程的还是以前课程的)?
    • 取决于作业, 因为有些作业比较小,或者要求你学习一个特定的概念(在这种情况下,你不应该重用任何东西), 不管多小), 而另一些则涉及更大的问题(你可能被允许重用其他作业/课程中的一小部分). Ask your instructor before you reuse any part of an assignment.


  • 我可以使用像StackOverflow这样的网站吗?
    • 取决于作业, 因为有些作业要求你学习一个特定的概念(你不应该在StackOverflow上找到解决方案),而其他作业涉及更大的问题(你可能被允许使用在StackOverflow上找到的代码片段来帮助你解决更大的问题). Ask your instructor before you search for anything on StackOverflow.
    • 你不应该在StackOverflow上发布其他学生正在做或将要做的作业的解决方案.g., a common assignment across the entire class, or an assignment that repeats between semesters of a given class).


  • 我可以使用像Chegg这样的网站吗?
    • 取决于作业, 因为一些作业要求你学习一个特定的概念(你不应该在Chegg上找到解决方案),而另一些作业涉及更大的问题(你可能被允许使用Chegg上找到的代码片段来帮助你解决更大的问题)。. Ask your instructor before you search for anything on Chegg.
    • 你不应该在Chegg上发布其他学生正在做或将要做的作业的解决方案.g., a common assignment across the entire class, or an assignment that repeats between semesters of a given class).
    • Also see: “我可以请家教吗?”


  • 我可以使用GitHub这样的网站吗?
    • 取决于作业, 因为有些作业要求你学习一个特定的概念(你不应该在GitHub上找到解决方案),而其他作业涉及更大的问题(你可能被允许使用在GitHub上找到的代码片段来帮助你解决更大的问题). Ask your instructor before you search for anything on GitHub.
    • 你不应该在GitHub上发布其他学生正在做或将要做的作业的解决方案.g., a common assignment across the entire class, or an assignment that repeats between semesters of a given class). 然而, unique assignments are typically ok to post on GitHub, but you should ask your instructor before doing so.


学术诚信委员会((电子邮件保护)) provides faculty members with two basic services:

  1. review of material, to verify whether or not academic dishonesty has occurred
  2. suggest a response/action to cases of dishonesty.

Adopted by the 计算机学院 faculty on January 15, 2001.
